Taking That First Step
Well hello after a very long hiatus! I've been learning a big lesson about getting things done lately. I love to write; I love to blog. And I have had a ton of ideas over the past few months, but I've found several "stumbling blocks" along the way that have "kept" me from posting something here. Here are some of those "reasons:""I don't have the right photo (or any photo) for this post.""I will do it tomorrow.""I am not in the mood to write right now.""Someone else already wrote about it."As you might imagine, the list goes on.What I finally realized is that I have to let go of hoping that all the pieces will come together to create the perfect opportunity for me to write. I have to deal with how I feel about doing something that, while hopefully useful and relevant for people, is not as "ideal" as I would like it to be.We all have barriers, both real and perceived, to getting things done. And I see this come up for folks with fitness "routines" frequently. If we wait for everything to fall into place exactly was we want it to, we may be waiting a long time. In the meanwhile, it is better to get up and move. Start something - no matter how small. As long as it is safe and appropriate for you, take that first step. Get started. And tomorrow, take another step. You will learn along the way. And you will meet teachers along the way.Your path will unfold in front of you.